Let's give a round of applause to all the amazing women out there!
It's time to inspire the next wave of female leaders in the industry, so we invited these fantastic trailblazers.
They are rebuilding their tables and sharing their journey.
You can be a part of it too.
Get your tools ready and prepare to take your place in the spotlight!
Join us for a speed dating session where you'll have a chance to meet and connect with these inspiring women.
And if you need a professional headshot for your resume or big announcement, we've got you covered.
Bianca Guimaraes, Partner & Executive Creative Director, Mischief USA
Ariana Stolarz, Managing Director for Growth & Product Innovation, Accenture Song
Belén Márquez, Global Creative Lead at Instagram, CreativeX, Meta
Maddy Kramer, Creative Director, Dentsu
Sponsored by:
Fotografías @whatako_creatives

Fotografías @whatako_creatives
Edición y diseño @arianaguerrerod
This event is being filmed/photographed. By entering this venue, you agree that a photo and/or film/video crew may record your image, voice and likeness ("image"). You irrevocably consent and forever grant to Círculo Creativo USA and their official sponsors the unrestricted, royalty-free right to use, display and exploit your image, in whatever form, worldwide in all forms of media and technology, including in connection with promotion and marketing materials.
By entering this venue, you agree to release and hold Círculo Creativo USA, its employees, clients and sponsors, as well as Sponsors and their employees harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind resulting from attendance to this event, including without limitation, personal injuries, death and property damage. Attendance at this social event is absolutely optional. Attendees are encouraged to drink responsibly, to eat the food provided and to identify designated drivers. Excessive drinking is discouraged.
By entering this venue, you agree not to hand out self-promotion marketing materials of any kind from your company (non-sponsor), including but not limited to Business Cards, Demo Reels, Gift Bags, Brochures, etc. This is a benefit for official sponsors only.
Right of admission reserved.
By attending an event at a Sponsor venue, all attendees are acknowledging their consent to, and agreed to abide by, the safety precautions that will be set forth on this website. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present, and, by attending an event at the venue, you and those in your party are voluntarily assuming such risk.