New York Festivals Announces 2017 Winners

New York Festivals International Advertising Awards® competition announced the 2017 award-winners at the New York Show℠ gala held at on May 18th at the renowned Jazz at Lincoln Center’s Frederick P. Rose Hall in New York City.

The combined 2017 Executive Juries awarded 8 prestigious Grand Prize Awards, 56 First Prize Awards, 155 Second Prize Awards, and 261 Third Prize Awards.

Winners - U.S. Hispanic

Alma DDB

"Spanish Lessons" - Netflix-Narcos
Digital (Cyber) Communications

Alma DDB

"Spanish Lessons" - Netflix-Narcos
Branded Entertainment

Alma DDB

"Spanish Lessons" - Netflix-Narcos
Digital (Cyber) Communications
Banners and Rich Media/Household Products & Services

Shooters Films

"Devices" - United Communities of San Antonio
Film Craft/Visual Effects

Shooters Films

"Devices" - United Communities of San Antonio
Public Service Announcements / Communications
Film/Civic & Social Education

Marca Miami

"Models Wanted" - Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Public Service Announcements / Communications
Digital/Promotion of Peace & Human Rights

Marca Miami

"Models Wanted" - Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Public Service Announcements / Communications
Film/Promotion of Peace & Human Rights

Marca Miami

"Models Wanted" - Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Best Use of Media
Public Service/Digital:Online

El FIAP 2017 se realizará del 3 al 6 de Septiembre en Buenos Aires

Un grupo inversor liderado por Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes y destacados referentes de la industria comandará el nuevo FIAP.

Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes

Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes

“La mejor creatividad iberoamericana vuelve a Buenos Aires. Vuelve el FIAP” anticipa Rodrigo Figueroa Reyes, quien asume el mando del evento a partir de este momento, encabezando a un grupo compuesto por emprendedores y destacados referentes de la industria que decidió invertir en Argentina a raíz del cambio de rumbo que se inició en el país a partir de diciembre de 2015.

El plan inmediato es a 3 años bajo la consigna “50º aniversario del FIAP” que se cumplirá en Buenos Aires en 2019 transformando el evento en lo que siempre fue: Capital de las Ideas.

El FIAP se realizará del 3 al 6 de Septiembre en la Usina del Arte, en conjunto con la Dirección General de Industrias Creativas dependiente del Ministerio de Modernización, Innovación y Tecnología de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Tendrá un formato totalmente renovado: el domingo 3 se recibe a los referentes de la industria con una Fiesta (F), el lunes 4 será el día de la Innovación y las startups (I), el martes 5 las conferencias para una gran Audiencia (A) y el miércoles 6 se despedirá con una entrega de Premios (P).

Manteniendo este formato simple y concreto, se estructurará en cuatro grandes catego-rías que aglutinarán todas las expresiones históricas y actuales de la comunicación iberoamericana: Formatos (F), Innovación (I), Anuncios (A) y Producción (P).

Las inscripciones de los trabajos comenzarán a recibirse a fines de mayo y serán juzgadas en una primera etapa vía online y luego de manera presencial en Buenos Aires, por destacados creativos de Iberoamérica y presididas por cuatro destacados profesionales: la estrella de la TV española Risto Meijide (Formatos), el cofundador de Globant Guibert Englebienne (Innovación), una de las figuras de la publicidad brasileña Luiz Sanches (Anuncios) y el afamado director de cine mexicano Simón Bross (Producción).

Daniel Marcet

Daniel Marcet

Cabe destacar que Daniel Marcet continúa en el directorio de la sociedad, ocupando la función de Chairman.






El Nuevo FIAP en síntesis:

Nuevos socios: Grupo de emprendedores que toma el control del Festival.

Nueva sede: la Usina del Arte, en la ciudad de Buenos Aires.

Nueva época del año: entre el 3 y el 6 de septiembre. Nuevo formato: cuatro días organizados de la siguiente manera: F de Fiesta de apertura, I de Innovación, A de Audiencias y P de Premios.

Nuevas categorías: agrupadas en cuatro grandes grupos: F de Formatos, I de Innovación, A de Anuncios y P de Producción

Nueva manera de premiar: un desafío que valoriza aún más al premio más tradicional de Iberoamérica.

Nuevos contenidos: rondas de negocios y de inversión entre emprendedores e inversores, y propuestas de innovación, se sumarán a presentaciones de figuras de las diferentes áreas de la comunicación, la tecnología, el arte y el entretenimiento.

Nuevos trofeos: con un diseño diferente que plantea el reto de armar la palabra FIAP.

Nuevo apoyo: desarrollado en conjunto con la Dirección General de Industrias Creativas, con el auspicio del Ministerio de Modernización, Innovación y Tecnología de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

2017 Clio Sports Awards - Winners Announced

2017 Clio Sports Awards - Winners

(U.S. Hispanic agencies)

"Ponle Acento" - MLB
Medium Innovation, Leagues, Governing Bodies, & Associations

"Ponle Acento" - MLB
Integrated Campaign
Leagues, Governing Bodies, & Associations

"Ponle Acento" - MLB
Public Relations
Leagues, Governing Bodies, & Associations


2017 One Show  - Winners

2017 One Show  - Winners - U.S. Hispanic Agencies:

Branded Entertainment

Online - Short Form - Single

Lápiz, Mexico Tourism Board: Doppelgängers Tourist

Online - Short Form - Campaign
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons



Packaging - Mass-Market

We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Innovation in Design - Print Design

We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings


Direct Marketing

Ambient - P.O.P. & In-Store - Single

We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Digital - Social Media & Viral Marketing

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons


Online Films & Video - Short Film - Campaign

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons

Under 100K Budget

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons


Print & Outdoor

Publishing - Magazine - Campaign

Alma DDB, Kingsford - Clorox: Predators

Ambient Media - Billboard or Transit - Campaign

Alma DDB, Kingsford - Clorox: Predators

Ambient Media - Billboard or Transit - Campaign

the community, City of Buenos Aires: Don't Act Like a Pedestrian


Public Relations

Reputation Management

We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Community Building

LatinWorks, Major League Baseball: Ponle Acento


Social Media

Branded Social Post - Single

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Episode Leak

Branded Social Campaign

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons

Social Engagement - Community Building

Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons

Social Engagement - Community Building

LatinWorks, Major League Baseball: Ponle Acento


Green Pencil

The Green Pencil, which recognizes environmentally conscious creative work, was awarded to "Edible Six Pack Rings" for Saltwater Brewery by We Believers, New York. This entry also won a Gold Pencil in CSR.


El Sol 2017: Lista de jurados de Estados Unidos

El Sol 2017 – Lista de jurados de Estados Unidos

Presidente de Jurados

Presidente de Innovación y Diseño: Rodrigo Butori, VP Director General Creativo de the community
Presidente de Producción: Sergio Alcocer, Director Creativo y Fundador de Rest of the World


Campañas Integradas
Javier Campopiano, SVP, Director General Creativo de Saatchi & Saatchi New York

Rodrigo Butori, VP Director General Creativo de the community

Relaciones Públicas
Iván Calle, Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Zubi Advertising

Percy Bustos, Director Creativo de We Believers

Percy Bustos, Director Creativo de We Believers

Diarios y Revistas
Luciana Cani, SVP Directora Creativa Ejecutiva de Lápiz

Luciana Cani, SVP Directora Creativa Ejecutiva de Lápiz

Diego Yurkievich, VP Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Conill

Diego Yurkievich, VP Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Conill

Rodrigo Butori, VP Director General Creativo de the community

Sergio Alcocer, Director Creativo y Fundador de Rest of the World

El Sol. El Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria celebrará su 32 edición en Bilbao el 1, 2 y 3 de junio de 2017. 

Advertising Age: The Agency Report 2017

Ad Age Datacenter produced Advertising Age's 73rd annual Agency Report. Ad Age published the complete Agency Report 2017 online May 1, 2017. Portions of Agency Report 2017 appeared in Ad Age's May 1, 2017, print edition.

Ad Age Datacenter subscribers have exclusive access to the complete report at:

Alma, Miami is ranked by Advertising Age as the number one Largest U.S. Hispanic-American Agencies, ranked by 2016 U.S. revenue.

Ad Age Datacenter subscribers have exclusive access to the Top 50 Largest U.S. Hispanic-American Agencies report at:

Published every year since 1945, the Agency Report is Advertising Age’s annual ranking and analysis of advertising and marketing-services agencies. The report also includes rankings based on U.S. and worldwide revenue. 

D&AD Professional Awards 2017 Winners Announced

U.S. Hispanic Agency Winners:


Yellow Pencil
Packaging Design / Sustainable Packaging Design
We Believers
Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Wood Pencil
Packaging Design / Innovative Packaging Design
We Believers
Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Wood Pencil
Creativity for Good / Advertising & Marketing Communications/Brand
We Believers
Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Wood Pencil
PR / In-Market Campaign
We Believers
Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Wood Pencil
Crafts for Advertising / Illustration for Advertising
the community
Ferrero Rocher: Pinball

Wood Pencil
Art Direction / Art Direction for Press Advertising
the community
Ferrero Rocher: 3 Pretty Playful Minutes


Ciro Sarmiento, Chief Creative Officer at Dieste was a judge in the Radio & Audio category.



El Círculo Creativo abrió la convocatoria para elegir al nuevo Presidente del Círculo Creativo de Estados Unidos, en la cual sólo pueden participar socios del Círculo Creativo y que se realizará mediante una votación interna con la junta directiva en el mes de mayo.

Durante los dos últimos años, Gustavo Lauría fue presidente del Círculo Creativo, cargo que también ocupó del 2010 al 2012. Sin embargo, el mes pasado, Lauría fue elegido como nuevo Chairman al suceder a Luis Miguel Messianu.

El Círculo Creativo invita a todos sus miembros a que envíen sus propuestas para ser considerados como nuevo presidente.

Las propuestas deben de ser en video de no más de dos minutos de duración.

Las propuestas deben de ser enviadas a antes del 7 de mayo.

Durante el mes de mayo, el Círculo Creativo anunciará su nuevo presidente quien trabajará junto con Lauría por los próximos dos años.

Time To Win A Radio Mercury Award

2017 mercury radio awards.jpg

Enter the biggest, richest creative competition for your radio work.

Choose your winning categories from Spanish Language Commercial or Campaign, PSA, integrated campaign, big audio idea, and International. We'll be giving out 14 trophies and up to $87,500 in prize monies, including the $50,000 Best of Show.  

Check out the guidelines and categories for Spanish Language entries.

Our panel of final round judges includes chief judge Mark Gross, a three-time Mercury Best of Show winner, along with Jorge Murillo, VP/ECD, Alma DDB and Andrès Ordóñez, CCO, Energy BBDO.


2017 One Show - Finalists


2017 One Show  - Finalists
U.S. Hispanic Agencies:

Branded Entertainment

Online - Short Form - Single
Lápiz, Mexico Tourism Board: Doppelgängers Tourist

Online - Short Form - Campaign
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons



Packaging - Mass-Market
We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Innovation in Design - Print Design
We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings


Direct Marketing

Ambient - P.O.P. & In-Store - Single
We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings

Digital - Social Media & Viral Marketing
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons



Online Films & Video - Short Film - Campaign
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons

Under 100K Budget
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons


Print & Outdoor

Publishing - Magazine - Campaign
Alma DDB, Kingsford - Clorox: Predators
the community, City of Buenos Aires: Don't Act Like a Pedestrian

Ambient Media - Billboard or Transit - Campaign
Alma DDB, Kingsford - Clorox: Predators


Public Relations

Community Building
LatinWorks, Major League Baseball: Ponle Acento

Reputation Management
We Believers, Saltwater Brewery: Edible Six Pack Rings


Social Media

Branded Social Post - Single
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Episode Leak

Branded Social Campaign
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons

Social Engagement - Community Building
Alma DDB, Netflix - Narcos: Spanish Lessons
LatinWorks, Major League Baseball: Ponle Acento

The One Show will present Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards at gala dinners on two big nights: Wednesday, May 10 and Friday, May 12.

Anomaly Completes Leadership Lineup In Its Surging LA Office

Globally Renowned Creative Duo Paco Conde & Beto Fernandez Join as ECDs & Partners

LOS ANGELES, CA (March 24, 2017) ­- Today, Anomaly Los Angeles proudly announced the final additions to its leadership team with two new Executive Creative Directors & Partners – Paco Conde & Beto Fernandez.  Paco & Beto join Anomaly LA’s Chief Strategy Officer, Aisea Laungaue and Managing Director Jiah Choi to lead the newest Anomaly office, which opened its doors in Venice last April.  

The office got off to a flying start rapidly hiring 30 staff, gaining several new business wins including the appointment by The Coca Cola Company to manage Diet Coke and also launched two highly visible global campaigns for Beats.  

Paco & Beto - an art director and a copywriter. A Brazilian and a Spaniard. A Corinthians fan and a Real Madrid fan, began their partnership as ECDs at Ogilvy Brazil where they helped put the agency on the map as Cannes’ Agency of the Year in 2013 and Creativity Innovators of the Year. Together they have won hundreds of international awards, including the Grand Clio, Best of Discipline at One Show, Yellow Pencils at D&AD, the Promo Grand Prix and the first Titanium Grand Prix for Latin America at Cannes Lions. From 2013 to 2015 they’ve been among the 10 most awarded Creative Directors of the world according to the Cannes Report. Best known as the ECDs behind the famous Dove ‘Real Beauty Sketches’, Sport Club Recife ‘Immortal Fans’ and ‘Security Moms’, Burger King ‘Proud Whopper’, Graac ‘Bald Cartoons’ and Sol de Janeiro ‘Tattoo Skin Cancer Check,” Paco & Beto built an immensely strong creative bond. Their partnership and talent continued to accelerate most recently at BBH London where they worked across Axe, Ray Ban and Absolut as Group Creative Directors.    

A very excited Paco & Beto embark upon their next adventure of moving to the United States, where they will officially start at Anomaly LA in May. The duo remarked, “Anomaly is one of the hottest companies in our industry. Their unique culture is attracting some of the best brands and briefs… Pair that with LA, the place where everything is happening in Technology, Entertainment and Marketing, and you’ve got a winning equation. If Anomaly and LA are amazing separately, imagine together! It’s an opportunity of a lifetime”.  

Anomaly Founding Partner & Global CCO, Mike Byrne said, “We have an internal philosophy at Anomaly - stay humble, stay hungry. Paco and Beto, with all their accolades and achievements, act like they've never done a thing and have everything to prove. Finding this kind of humility and grit in this business is rare. When you find it you do everything you can to embrace it and let it prosper”.

Finally, a note of thanks from Anomaly to BBH where Paco & Beto clearly had a superb experience, resulting in a very gracious endorsement from their ECD, Nick Gill -

“Paco & Beto are fantastic, talented guys who have made a lot of friends here. I'd like to thank them for all the hard work they've put into BBH and wish them every success in the future".  


Gustavo Lauría is the new Chairman of the U.S. Círculo Creativo

Gustavo Lauría

Gustavo Lauría

Círculo Creativo today announced that Gustavo Lauría has been elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors. He succeeds Luis Miguel Messianu who, after two successful years as Chairman, announced his decision to step down from the board.

For the last two years, Lauría was the President at Círculo Creativo, a position he also held from 2010 to 2012. He is also the Co-founder and CCO at We Believers.

Working hand in hand with Messianu and Paco Vargas (General Manager), Lauría had the mission to revamp Círculo Creativo, making it a more inclusive association. Today, Círculo Creativo not only represents U.S. Hispanic advertising creatives, but also account planners, producers and executives at agencies, as well as Hispanic market production companies.  Another major accomplishment was to more than double the number of memberships. Under this team, Círculo Creativo also revamped and independently produced the U.S.H. Idea Awards, significantly improving Círculo Creativo’s financial strength.

During his 20-year career, Gustavo has been recognized by all the International Awards shows winning several Gold Cannes Lions, One Show and D&AD Pencils among others.

Advertising Age also named Gustavo Lauría as one of the “Creativity 50 -  The Most Creative People of the Year” in 2017.

Commenting on his appointment, Gustavo Lauría said: “Now is the time to be even more inclusive, we’ll be creating a new board of advisors with clients, celebrities, artists, engineers and influencers from the innovation world.”  

Luis Miguel Messianu, former Chairman, commented: “It’s a matter of great pride for me to have been the first President of Círculo, and for the last two years it’s Chairman. I will always be part of this entity that is so close to my heart, but I feel it’s time to let Gustavo and the rest of the board keep pushing the creative agenda at this crucial moment of our industry. I know they will do an awesome job! I’ll still be around but more on a consulting role.”

In the coming weeks, Círculo Creativo’s board will receive different proposals from members who want to be considered to succeed Gustavo as the new President. During the month of April, Círculo Creativo will announce its new President, he/she will be working together with Lauría for the next two years.

Círculo Creativo kicks off #ThrowbackThursday Series in Dallas

Adlatina presenta los resultados de los rankings de Crema

Adlatina presenta los resultados de los rankings de Crema, que en los primeros días de marzo se recopilarán en la 14° edición del lujoso anuario. En esta oportunidad, AlmapBBDO continúa en la cima. El Top 5 está integrado por Lola MullenLowe, Alma DDB, David Buenos Aires y J. Walter Thompson Brasil. En esta edición se incluyen por primera vez los resultados de los Global, European y Latin American Effie Awards, y las versiones locales de este premio para el Top 10 de cada país. En la nota, el Top 30 regional y el primer puesto de todos los rankings locales.

Posición, Agencia, País, Cannes, Clio, Fiap, El Sol, One Show, D&AD, Wave, El Ojo, EFFIE Latam/European/Global, TOTAL:

3° AlmaDDB, Estados Unidos: 40; 17; 136; 34; 2; - ; 26; 72; - ; 2162
13º The Community, Estados Unidos: 10; 1; 70; 24; 16; 19; 60; 5; - ;  1377
17° We Believers, Estados Unidos: 28; 17; 8; 29; 1; - ; 42; 67; - ;  1301

TOP 1 por país

País, Agencia, Cannes, Clio, Fiap, El Sol, One Show, D&AD, Wave, El Ojo, EFFIE Latam/Europe/Global, Festival Local, Effie Local, Festival Local (2015)  TOTAL

ESTADOS UNIDOS: Alma: 40; 17; 136; 34; 2; - ; 26; 72; - ; 148; - ; 2319


Dieste presents 'at&t & DIRECTV: the unlimited effect'


Ambiculturals value being “in-the-know” in all aspects of their lives with the belief that sharing their knowledge (of multiple cultures) empowers them to connect with others.
This means that staying connected to their entertainment is an essential part of their daily life. They crave and appreciate the freedom and flexibility to access their content when and where they want (especially on their mobile devices).


Showcasing how having access to unlimited data and unlimited entertainment from AT&T and DIRECTV gives you an edge wherever you go.



“The Unlimited Effect – Restaurant” is in the category of an addressable ad, which performed well within its key Ambicultural audience. The ad delivered a relevant and ownable message. It also achieved consideration and Better Brand opinions. In addition, this ad exhibited a solid performance within the GM target, meeting norms on key metrics.



The Gunn Report 2016 Unveiled

BBDO Most Awarded Network | adam&eveDDB London Most Awarded Agency | Burger King ‘McWhopper’ Most Awarded Campaign Overall | USA Most Awarded Country | Samsung Most Awarded Advertiser | O Positive Films Most Awarded Production Company

The Gunn Report, the global index of creative excellence in advertising, has released its 2016 Report summarising the overall performance of the advertising industry in the year January to December 2016 based on the results of 45 global, regional and national creative award contests. 

Highlights from the 2016 Gunn Report include: 

Most Awarded Campaigns Across All Gunn Report Media 2016
1 Burger King, ‘McWhopper’, Y&R New Zealand (Auckland) 
2 Microsoft Xbox, ‘Tomb Raider Survival Board’, McCann (London) 
3 DB Export, ‘Brewtroleum’, Colenso BBDO (Auckland) 

Most Awarded Commercials in the World 2016
1 Loterias y Apuestas del Estado, ‘Justino – Night Shift’, Leo Burnett (Madrid) 
2 Currys PC World, ‘Spare The Act – Laptop’, AMV BBDO (London) 
3= Harvey Nichols Loyalty App, ‘Shoplifters’, adam&eveDDB (London) 
3= John Lewis Home Insurance, ‘Tiny Dancer’, adam&eveDDB (London) 
3= Volvo Trucks, ‘Looks Who’s Driving Feat. 4-yr-old Sophie’, Forsman & Bodenfors (Gothenburg) 

Most Awarded Print / Out of Home Ads and Campaigns in the World 2016
1 Microsoft Xbox, ‘Tomb Raider Survival Board’, McCann (London) 
2 Burger King, ‘McWhopper’, Y&R New Zealand (Auckland) 
3 DB Export, ‘Brewtroleum’, Colenso BBDO (Auckland) 

Most Awarded Digital Ads in the World 2016
1 Burger King, ‘McWhopper’, Y&R New Zealand (Auckland) 
2 ING, ‘The Next Rembrandt’, J. Walter Thompson (Amsterdam) 
3 Lockheed Martin, ‘Field Trip To Mars’, McCann (New York) 

Most Awarded All Gunns Blazing in the World 2016
1 Burger King, ‘McWhopper’, Y&R New Zealand (Auckland) 
2= DB Export, ‘Brewtroleum’, Colenso BBDO (Auckland) 
2= REI, ‘#OptOutside’, Venables Bell & Partners (San Francisco) 

Most Awarded Agencies in the World 2016
1 adam&eveDDB (London) 
2 Colenso BBDO (Auckland) 
3= AlmapBBDO (São Paulo) 
3= Y&R New Zealand (Auckland) 

Most Awarded Networks in the World 2016
2 McCann
3 Leo Burnett 

Most Awarded Countries in the World 2016
2 UK
3 Australia 

Most Awarded Advertisers in the World 2016
1 Samsung
2 Burger King
3 Volkswagen 

Most Awarded Production Companies in the World 2016
1 O Positive Films (New York, Santa Monica) 
2 Landia (Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Madrid) 
3 Blink Productions (London) 

Most Awarded Directors in the World 2016
1 David Shane (UK) 
2= againstallodds (UK) 
2= Steve Rogers (USA, France, Australia) 

Emma Wilkie, Managing Director of The Gunn Report, says, “The purpose of The Gunn Report is to give an objective overview of the best creative ideas, and who is behind them, based on the results of the most important creative awards from around the world. Overall, we have seen some wonderfully creative ideas shining through in 2016 with brand purpose a strong theme. Whilst previous winners still exhibit their greatness, new stars are rising up the ranks.” 

The Gunn Report 2016 guest editor Kate Stanners, Chairwoman and Global Chief Creative Officer of Saatchi & Saatchi, who has contributed her own personal commentary to the report and awards tables, says, “This is what great work looks like. It never ceases to amaze me how hard it is to make any one of the ideas in this Report. Ideas are fragile; they can collapse at any point. Sometimes an idea is pure and simple, you can feel the power of it from its inception; others have been shaped and crafted into great. It takes passion, tenacity, it takes a team and a great client. None of it is easy, but greatness comes in not giving up.” 

The ranking tables, commentaries and the accompanying ads as well as country comparisons (population and ad market size/ranking) are now available to view online at 

The Gunn Report Book and Showreel of the Year 2016 DVD will be available early-March and will include the results of The Gunn Report for Media 2016. 

Orcí Debuts Creative For All-New Honda CR-V During Super Bowl 51

“Best Friends” campaign wants families to make the most out of their CR-V

Orcí, Honda’s agency of record for the U.S. Hispanic market, launched its creative for Honda’s all-new CR-V during Sunday’s Super Bowl 51 broadcast on Fox Deportes. The TV commercial titled “Best Friends” was developed under Honda’s ‘Power of Dreams’ strategy and is a follow up of the award-winning “Space for Dreams”, a previous CR-V spot created by Orcí.

The new 60-second spot tells the emotional story of a young boy and his mom adopting a puppy together. Over time the boy and his dog develop a fun and loving relationship with each other. The whole family comes together and helps to train the dog. One day they receive a call that changes their lives. In the final moments of the spot, it’s revealed that the months-long sequence of raising and training the dog has been so that they could give him away to another family, as a service animal to help a child with special needs.

In the spot, the CR-V plays an important role as the vehicle that allows the young family to achieve their goals. “Best Friends” shows off the CR-V’s new design as well as the features important to the Latino target audience, such as roominess, convenience, and an elegant style.

In the spirit of the campaign, Orcí is creating an online Pet Adoption Drive that will use social media to drive awareness of the 2017 Honda CR-V and the satisfaction of providing a home for a pet in need. This portion of the campaign will launch in March on Honda’s Spanish language social media handle @HondaLatino.

“It’s always rewarding to work on the CR-V campaigns. We can tell meaningful stories to our audience and hopefully inspire families to keep dreaming and help others realize their dreams,” said Andrew Orcí, the agency’s chief executive officer.


Client: American Honda
AVP Honda Marketing: Susie Rossick
Multicultural Marketing Manager: Gina Jorge
Senior Marketing Analyst: Monique Soto

 Agency: Orcí
ECD: Juan José Quintana
CD of Production: Allen Pérez
Strategic Planning: Luiz Salles
ACD: Santiago Rivillas
Senior Copywriter: Diego Andrade
Senior AD: Aaron Monroy
Account Director: Marina Filippelli
Account Supervisors: Paola Cervantes
Senior AE: Mary Gonzalez

 Production Company: Paraná Films
Director: Pucho Mentasti
Producer: Sebastián Leda
Postproduction Company: Jump
Editor: Erwin Fraterman    
Music by: Personal Music