LatinWorks ganó 2 Oros, 7 Platas y un Bronce en los London International Awards 2014

LatinWorks fue la única agencia hispana de los Estados Unidos ganadora en los London International Awards 2014.


Radio / Entertainment
"Sex" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Original Music
"Sex" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Campaign
"Drugs, Money, Sex" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Entertainment
"Money" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Entertainment
"Drugs" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Original Music
"Money" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Original Music
"Drugs" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Use of Music
"Money" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Use of Music
"Drugs" para Cine Las Américas

Radio / Use of Music
"Sex" para Cine Las Américas


Data, tech and ideas intersect at the 2015 International Festival of Creativity

Cannes Lions has today announced the launch of the Creative Data Lions and expanded Innovation Lions which will form part of a new, two day Lions Innovation Festival within next year’s International Festival of Creativity.

The move is a comprehensive response to dramatic industry shifts which, says Lions Festival CEO, Philip Thomas, have created exciting opportunities for both brands and agencies. “Using data and technology as tools that can lead to great ideas has become mainstream. As ever when these seismic changes occur in the industry, Cannes Lions is asked to consider ways we can acknowledge and reflect the reality of what is going on. The Lions Innovation Festival will highlight how data and technology can be powerful catalysts for creativity.”

New Lions

Actively recognising the growing relationship between data, technology and ideas, the new Creative Data Lions and expanded Innovation Lions are the product of extensive industry consultation.

The Innovation Lions will now include categories for standalone and branded technological solutions, adtech platforms and models. The new Creative Data Lions will celebrate the role of data in shaping ideas, better storytelling and engagement, which David Droga, Creative Chairman, Droga5 sees as integral.

“I love the friction between creativity and data. I think when you can navigate between the two and they complement each other it’s a wonderful thing. Data and science is liberating for creativity because it offers a foundation. We’re not scared of it - data furnishes us with great insights and allows us to stop bullshitting ourselves. It helps us to ask the right questions.”

Luis Miguel Messianu y Gustavo Lauría asumen al frente del Círculo Creativo

Luis Miguel Messianu y Gustavo Lauría

Luis Miguel Messianu y Gustavo Lauría

“Es hora de involucrarnos más y de ser más incluyentes a la hora de generar un diálogo entre los nuestros y de brindarles los recursos necesarios para producir un mejor trabajo”, dijo Gustavo Lauría, socio y cco de We Believers. Mientras que Luis Miguel Messianu, presidente y cco de Alma, agregó: “Como profesionales creativos es nuestra obligación educar y liderar”.

El Círculo Creativo, asociación sin fines de lucro dedicada a promover la excelencia creativa y la comunicación entre los profesionales que trabajan en el mercado hispano de Estados Unidos, anunció la designación de Luis Miguel Messianu -presidente y cco de Alma- como su nuevo director de la Junta Ejecutiva y a Gustavo Lauría -socio y cco de We Believers- en la presidencia.

En las próximas semanas, el Círculo dará a conocer los nombres de otros nuevos integrantes del equipo ejecutivo, cuyo objetivo será expandir y apoyar a las agencias del mercado hispano. “Este equipo, nuevo y más grande, aportará una rica mezcla de culturas, conocimiento del negocio y experiencia en la industria; esencia de Círculo Creativo y de cómo este quiere desempeñarse de ahora en adelante”, dijeron desde el Círculo. Y detallaron que, entre los primeros pasos de los nuevos líderes, se incluyen: Ampliar la lista de colaboradores fuera del mundo creativo con la finalidad de incluir planners, desarrolladores de contenido, compañías productoras, medios asociados, agencias de relaciones públicas, clientes y publicistas para consolidar aún más el mercado; modernizar los U.S. Hispanic Idea Awards de 2015 incluyendo nuevas categorías y ampliando el jurado nacional para atraer más agencias representativas. 

“Para mí, convertirme en Chairman del Círculo es definitivamente ‘un círculo completo’ y no puede darse en un mejor momento. Fui socio fundador y primer presidente del Círculo en 1999 y es un honor estar aquí nuevamente”, comentó Luis Miguel Messianu. “Nuestra industria se encuentra en una etapa de transición y es importante seguir elevando el estándar creativo mientras superamos este momento. Existen varios errores de concepto cuando se habla de la nueva América multicultural y una interpretación errónea de lo que es Total Market”, agregó. “Como profesionales creativos es nuestra obligación educar y liderar. Me siento privilegiado de poder servir a nuestra industria y lo haré con pasión, integridad y compromiso”.

Por su parte, Lauría concluyó: “Es hora de involucrarnos más y de ser más incluyentes a la hora de generar un diálogo entre los nuestros y de brindarles los recursos necesarios para producir un mejor trabajo, lo cual se puede lograr con la promoción de eventos educativos y la colaboración”.

Festival internacional El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2014

17 Años de inspiración

La XVII edición de El Ojo de Iberoamérica, el festival que celebra la mejor publicidad latina ya está en marcha. El evento tendrá lugar los días 19, 20 y 21 de noviembre, y como siempre, se llevará a cabo en el centro de convenciones del Hilton Buenos Aires, en Puerto Madero. El Ojo se ha convertido en un clásico de la creatividad mundial.

El festival internacional El Ojo de Iberoamérica nació en 1998 con motivo del cuarto aniversario de LatinSpots, como un festejo y un premio a la labor de los más destacados profesionales de la región. La gran convocatoria de figuras de todos los puntos de Iberoamérica y el interés por el premio marcaron el inicio de una propuesta que no paró de crecer.

Hoy, en sus 17 años, El Ojo es un festival internacional líder y un prestigioso premio que, con una mirada latina del mundo, reconoce a los mejores trabajos y al desempeño de los profesionales y empresas de la región; además de un ciclo de conferencias con líderes de la comunicación regional y mundial. El Ojo es el ámbito propicio para el encuentro auténtico, la generación de negocios, el intercambio, la inspiración e innovación y el desarrollo de eventos culturales. Es la cita obligada que bajo el lema “Ve más allá” impulsa el crecimiento de la publicidad, la comunicación, el marketing regional y a sus hacedores.

La invitación a que visiten Buenos Aires está abierta a todo el mundo, al igual que la oportunidad de pasar tres días de plena energía, revitalización, inspiración y networking para terminar de la mejor manera el 2014 y comenzar el 2015 con toda la fuerza y las mejores ideas. Porque como dicen todos aquellos que llegan hasta al evento: “El Ojo es una experiencia que debe ser vivida”.

Como todos los años, El Ojo presenta novedades, tanto a nivel premios como en todas las actividades que se llevan a cabo durante los días del evento. Además, su proceso de votación sigue siendo de los más innovadores y su Ciclo de Conferencias & Capacitaciones, uno de los más concurridos a nivel mundial.

Votación de lujo

Además, desde 2010, la votación se realiza en dos etapas. La primera, se realiza de manera online, donde más de 200 profesionales de los más destacados de toda la región eligen los finalistas, bronces, platas y oros entre los mejores trabajos de Iberoamérica.

Y en la segunda etapa, el jurado compuesto presidentes de cada premio, tiene la labor de elegir entre los oros de cada categoría, los Grand Prix con una mirada integral.

Los encargados de emprender este nuevo desafío confirmados hasta el momento son: Martín Mercado, Presidente de Mercado McCann (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Cine/TV); Luiz Sanches, CCO y Socio de Almap BBDO, Brasil (Presdidente del Jurado de El Ojo Mobile); Guga Ketzer, Socio y CCO de Loducca, Brasil (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Vía Pública); Chacho Puebla, Socio y Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Lola Madrid, España (Presidente del Jurado de El Tercer Ojo, El Ojo Campañas Integradas e Idea Latina para el Mundo); Hernán Jáuregui, Socio y VP Creativo del Grupo DDB Argentina (Presdidente del Jurado de El Ojo Interactivo); Jaime Rosado, Vice Presidente Regional Creativo para J. Walter Thompson Latinoamérica (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Media); Juan Sánchez, Director General Creativo de TBWA/Madrid, España (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Gráfica); Humberto Polar, Chief Creative Officer de Mayo FCB Perú (Presidente de El Ojo PR y El Ojo Sustentable); Mauricio Rocha Barreto, Vicepresidente Creativo de Young & Rubicam Colombia (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Directo); Samuel Estrada, Gerente General y Vicepresidente Creativo McCann Worldgroup Colombia (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Radio) y Ramiro Eduardo, Vicepresidente de Servicios Creativos de Ogilvy & Mather Guatemala (Presidente del Jurado de El Ojo Promo), Raúl Cardós, Socio y Presidente de Anónimo México (El Ojo Contenido y El Ojo Sports), Esteban Martucci, Consultor y Coaching Creativo y Head of Art (El Ojo Design y El Ojo Producción Gráfica) y Ale Lucas, Director de BossaNovaFilms (El Ojo Producción Audiovisual)

Un team destacado de figuras internacionales

En el plano de la capacitación, este 2014 El Ojo, volverá a contar con su prestigioso Ciclo de Conferencias & Capacitación, en el que participan año a año los referentes más importantes del escenario publicitario regional y global.

Las figuras que parecen inalcanzables en eventos mundiales estarán una vez más en un escenario intimista develando todos sus secretos, recorriendo los pasillos al alcance de los asistentes del festival, y compartiendo cocktails y fiestas. Una oportunidad única para disfrutar de tres días de capacitación & inspiración intensiva, de la mano de los popes del mercado.

Este 2014, ya está confirmada la presencia de: Tham Khai Meng, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer de Ogilvy & Mather; Rob Schwartz, Global Creative President de TBWA/Worldwide; Amir Kassaei, Chief Creative Officer de DDB Worldwide; Matt Eastwood, Worldwide CCO de J. Walter Thompson; Barry Wacksman, EVP, Chief Growth Officer en R/GA; Pablo del Campo, Director Creativo Mundial de Saatchi & Saatchi y Socio Fundador y CEO de Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi; Marta Fontcuberta, Directora Regional de IMC Coca-Cola Latinoamérica; Juan Carlos Ortiz, Presidente de DDB Américas; Rei Inamoto, Chief Creative Officer de AKQA; Luis Silva Dias, DC Global de FCB Internacional, Director General Creativo de FCB Europa y Presidente de FCB Portugal; Marcelo Reis, Presidente de Leo Burnett Tailor Made, Brasil; Chacho Puebla, Socio y Director Creativo Ejecutivo de Lola Madrid; Jaime Rosado, Vice Presidente Regional Creativo para Latinoamérica de J. Walter Thompson; Ricardo John, Director General Creativo de J. Walter Thompson San Pablo; Carlos Pérez, Presidente de BBDO Argentina; Alejandro Ventura, Business Development Manager de Shutterstock Latin America; Lolo Longinotti, Socio y Presidente del Grupo DDB Argentina, Hernán Jáuregui, Socio y VP Creativo del Grupo DDB Argentina y Facundo Manes, Neurocientífico; Gustavo Buchbinder, Socio Fundador de WebAr Argentina, Director del IAB y de Interact. Fernando Campos, Presidente del CCSP y Socio Fundador de Santa Clara y Luciana Rodrigues VP de Innovations  y Sebastián Ghionni y Angela Bassichetti, Directores Creativos de Turner Broadcasting Systems.

Con todo esto, El Ojo de Iberoamérica se sigue perfilando como uno de los festivales más innovadores y dinámicos del planeta.

LatinWorks, a cargo del lanzamiento de Montejo para el mercado estadounidense

La agencia multicultural desarrolló una campaña centrada en la originalidad y la herencia del espíritu mexicano, volcados en la tradicional cerveza. “Viva Montejo” apuesta a conquistar los corazones de los hispanos que viven en California, Texas, Arizona y New México. “Ser capaces de crear una campaña que conecta todos los canales de una manera impactante es una experiencia determinante para una agencia”, aseguró Carlos Muñoz el vp de cuentas de grupo en LatinWorks. En la nota, los episodios de la campaña.

Hernán Cerdeiro, nuevo director creativo ejecutivo de Conill

Hernán Cerdeiro

Hernán Cerdeiro

Procedente de LatinWorks, donde ocupaba el cargo de vicepresidente creativo, Cerdeiro se suma a la agencia dirigida creativamente por Javier Campopiano. Trabajará junto a Juan Cruz Vassallo y Hernán Pettinaroli, que ingresan a Conill como directores creativos asociados de la oficina de Miami.

Deutsch LA steps up focus on Hispanic marketing

The West Coast creative shop aims to help its brands tap into the Hispanic consumer market

Juan Oubina and Montse Barrena

Juan Oubina and Montse Barrena

Deutsch LA is bolstering its Hispanic marketing practice with new leadership, as it looks to accelerate its growth in the market and further reach Hispanic consumers.

The LA-based creative shop has named Juan Oubina as its executive creative director and Montse Barrena as its EVP, group account director, for DLAtino. The pair will be leading the practice in their newly created roles.

D&AD Introducing New Pencils

D&AD CEO Tim Lindsay introduces the changes to their Award levels for 2015.

At D&AD, we’re always looking for ways in which we can do better.

Each year we gather feedback from our members, entrants and our board and discuss what we can improve upon. And there’s been one issue that has troubled us for some time: the confusion caused by our awards hierarchy.

So, following much deliberation, from the 2015 Professional Awards onwards, we will be replacing our In Book and Nomination levels. In their place, we are introducing two brand new Pencils: a Wood Pencil (equivalent to bronze) and a Graphite Pencil (equivalent to silver).

We Believers, una cultura basada en la cocreación, el diálogo y la confianza

Marco Vega y Gustavo Lauría

Marco Vega y Gustavo Lauría

Ambos vienen de desempeñarse como managing partners de The Vidal Partnership desde hace aproximadamente tres años. Gustavo Lauría cuenta, además, con un paso de alrededor de ocho años por La Comunidad. Por su parte, Marco Vega fue socio y director de planning en Concept Café y, entre otras compañías, también trabajó en Mckinsey & Co. Juntos acaban de lanzar al mercado We Believers, una agencia que se basa en la idea de trabajar con los clientes y no solo para ellos, como parte de una conversación, donde la confianza, el diálogo y la cocreación son los pilares fundamentales.

“Nos autodefinimos como una co-creation advertising house”, explican Gustavo Lauría y Marco Vega, que vienen de trabajar juntos en The Vidal Partnership como managing partners y acaban de lanzar su propia agencia: We Believers.

Arnold Starts Hispanic Marketing Practice

Christopher Campos

Christopher Campos

Makes it part of the agency rather than a separate unit

Arnold is adding Hispanic marketing capabilities with the hiring of three executives from Bravo, the Hispanic marketing unit of WPP Group's Young & Rubicam Brands.

Leading the new cross-cultural practice are Christopher Campos, as managing director, growth strategies and development; Marco Castro, as director of operations; and Hugo Castillo, as creative director. At Bravo, they held similar roles: Campos was md, Castro, director of integrated operations, and Castillo, cd.

Salma Gottfried, Principal and Brand Leader at Richards/Lerma, Wins Artist Competition for Kitchen LTO

Salma GottfriedPrincipal and Brand Leader at Richards/Lerma

Salma Gottfried
Principal and Brand Leader at Richards/Lerma

Now open in West Dallas' Trinity Groves, Kitchen LTO is a permanent pop-up restaurant that reinvents itself three times per year and gives a rotating home to up-and-coming chef and artist talent and their ideas.

Salma Gottfried, Principal and Brand Leader at Richards/Lerma, won the artist position by popular vote and will transform Kitchen LTO's interior walls for the October 2 opening. Blythe Beck won the executive chef position.

Salma Gottfried has a passion for abstract architectural visual interpretation. She notes, "Lines, angles, and shapes are my inspiration. My greatest influencers are photographers who are masters of visual simplicity, yet so powerful in evoking human emotion. In my mind, there is a correlation between adventure, free spirit, travel, and expression, feeling the moment and a memory, and experimentation. I am thrilled to have won this competition and am looking forward to using Blythe Beck's menu as inspiration and giving diners the chance to experience my work."

Salma is a Principal at Dallas' Richards/Lerma, a next generation Hispanic marketing agency with offices in Dallas, Mexico City, and Argentina. 

"We are so happy for Salma. This is a great achievement," said Pete Lerma, founder of the agency. "At Richards/Lerma, we celebrate our team's achievements, both professional and personal. What's really impressive is her ability to perfectly balance her professional life with her love for photography. It's truly a pleasure to be around her. She's electric!"

Born and raised in Mexico City, Salma deftly blends the organized approach of a brand manager with the fluidity and expression of an artist. Not surprising, considering that in another life she was a modern dancer and still retains her creative identity through abstract photography. Salma has been featured in a special-edition book published by Mentor Series Worldwide Photo Treks and her commissioned work hangs in a number of high profile venues in Dallas and Costa Rica. Photography is Salma Gottfried's way of capturing art and beauty in things that we might otherwise pass by. 

Kitchen LTO is literally "Limited Time Only," as a new restaurant is born every four months. Three times a year, a new chef rotates in and introduces a new menu concept. Simultaneously, a new artist transforms the interior walls. Applicants are screened by a selection committee for qualifications and then voted on through an event, website, and social media channels, giving the general public is the ultimate deciding factor for which chef and artist will take the reigns for the next four months.

CLIO Healthcare Awards 2014


¡Felicitaciones a Grupo Gallegos por sus premios en los Clio HealthCare Awards! 


Grupo Gallegos

ORO - Print Technique - Disease Awareness - Art Direction - “Grandson, Husband, Daughter” - Alzheimer’s Association

PLATA - Design - Disease Awareness - Posters - “Grandson, Husband, Daughter” - Alzheimer’s Association

SHORTLIST - Print Technique - Disease Awareness - Photography - “Grandson, Husband, Daughter” - Alzheimer’s Association


CLIO Awards 2014


¡Felicitaciones a los ganadores de los Clios 2014!



PLATA - Audio - “Broken Promises” - Mujeres Latinas en Acción - Radio - Public Service

PLATA - Audio Technique - “Flower” - Mujeres Latinas en Acción - Copywriting - Technique

PLATA - Audio Technique - “Ring” - Mujeres Latinas en Acción - Copywriting - Technique



BRONCE - Audio - “Rap Songs” - Cine Las Américas - Radio - Product/Service

BRONCE - Audio Technique - “Drugs” - Cine Las Américas - Radio - Music


Grupo Gallegos

BRONCE - Design - “Grandson, Husband, Daughter” - Alzheimer’s Association


Alma DDB

SHORTLIST - Content & Contact - “The Glad Tent” - Glad Forceflex

SHORTLIST - Engagement - “The Glad Tent” - Glad Forceflex

SHORTLIST - Print - “Species” - Green Works”

SHORTLIST - Public Relations - “The Glad Tent” - Glad Forceflex - Environmental


Latinworks suma a Budweiser como cliente

La agencia multicultural anunció la conquista de una nueva cuenta de AB Inveb, cliente con el que trabajan desde hace años con otras marcas como la popular Bud Light. “Budweiser es una marca muy importante en la historia del mercado hispano y es un honor volver a introducir la cerveza a una generación de latinos que desconoce su historia y gran tradición”, comentó Sergio Alcocer, presidente y cco de Latinworks.

Fashion trend to watch: Wearable Tech

The importance of smartphones in our lives is unquestionable. In the past decade, we've entered a world of constant connection; being unreachable is unimaginable and getting lost is simply unacceptable when you have a GPS in your hand.

Now that smartphones are a key element of our everyday lives, a new wave of products is invading the market. Wearable technology is not a thing of Sci-fi movies anymore, it’s the present—and it’s here to stay. As high-tech products like smart-watches and wristbands are taking over store shelves, companies are competing head-to-head to be the first to say “this what true innovation looks like.” And although they have defined smart as functional, that doesn’t mean many fashionistas are ready to embrace the cyber look yet. 

Fashion is about aesthetics, not merely functionality. Vanity is an essential part of it, and the U.S. market is simply not ready to jump into a pool of futuristic accessories. In general, craftsmanship is costly, and society is still not ready to sacrifice a Rolex for a RoboCop-like watch. Today’s devices deliver on the “Hey, I wonder how many calories I burnt today” but not on the “ Awesome! This bracelet goes well with half of my closet.”

High usability and an appealing look are the ultimate goals for companies that are looking to be pioneers of the wearable-tech trend. The need to be the first has driven many companies to overcrowd a market that is not even fully formed. So, in order to have an easier transition into consumer minds, a few tech and fashion companies have joined forces. For example, Fitbit announced a partnership with Tory Burch on a collection of bracelets, pendants and wristbands. The hardware giant Intel has plans to collaborate with Opening Ceremony, Barneys New York and the CFDA on some new projects.

But by far, the gadget that is the talk of the town is Google Glass. I’m sure you have already seen a few early adopters around and about. They look like a social experiment—half man, half machine. I’ve even witnessed a couple of people stopping them on the street to take pictures with these new humanoid-like breeds.

Nevertheless, Google evaluated these behaviors and is very much aware of what needs to be done to make this product a hit. They understand that consumers now see style and technology as synonyms. Google’s plan? They recently released four different glass frames that fit the Google Glass hardware. The more variety they offer, the more likely they are to appeal to our sense of style.

Every successful tech company in the past decade that has effectively balanced the mix between look and functionality has revolutionized the market. Nike is the perfect example of a company that is successfully leading the market because they understand this simple premise: It's not just whether you have the latest and greatest technology, it's how you wear it that matters.

The bottom line is that people want to adopt new technologies, but they want to do so while looking as sleek and fashionable as possible. Sacrificing personal style for the “now I can make a call from my wrist” look might not be the best option. It will be interesting to see how leading companies will incorporate fashion into the new wave of tech before we all end up looking like extras from a Star Trek movie.

Honda Targets Hispanic Millennials by Mocking the Way Brands Target Hispanic Millennials

Bilingual ads bust open the 'box of clichés'

Young Latino consumers: They're hip! They're mobile! They lead active, on-the-go lifestyles!

They're also, you know, pretty much like anybody else—though that's something marketers rarely want to hear when they're paying small fortunes for demographic "experts" to demystify the millennials who live at an ever-growing cultural crossroads in America.

Honda pokes some fun at the marketing world's Hispanic fixation in its newest ads from the Santa Monica, Calif.-based Orci agency for the Fit. Wild-haired comedian Felipe Esparza serves as a tour guide of sorts into the world of young Latinos, only to find that they're mostly just focused on running errands and getting to work.

Richards/Lerma and Digiworks bring the Social Media passion from Brazil to The Social Cup.

It’s no secret that the entire world is watching every play, every blown call by the referees and every goal happening in Brazil. The world is also taking to Twitter to let their voices be heard.

In a joint effort, Richards/Lerma and digital agency Digiworks introduce The Social Cup; a dynamic dashboard where users can see which country garnered the most mentions, the ultimate Dream Team, how many “friendly” messages the referees have received and more.

The project started several weeks ago as an idea to predict which country would win the World Cup based on Twitter activity and mentions.

Richards/Lerma Principal and Creative Director, Aldo Quevedo stated, “Our digitally savvy team built this dashboard as a way to measure and capture the passion around the globe in an easily-digestible and visually appealing format. We have received great comments from clients and other soccer fans around the world, we are very excited to have partnered with Digiworks in this project.”

Go to their website during every game or at least once a day to see what the world is talking about.

Last Cannes Blog Post


As I settle back in to my daily schedule (and actually get some sleep and see some vegetables on my plate occasionally) it’s time to reflect back on the week that was Cannes 2014.

When you sift through the seminars filled with vague mentions of “storytelling” and “disruption,” there were some seriously interesting seminars and speakers making some seriously interesting statements:

“Good things don’t need extra colors or additives.”
-Contrapunto BBDO Creative Director Felix Del Valle

“The bridge between a dream and reality is work.”
-Jared Leto

"In the age of content, think like a marketer. Behave like an entertainer. Move like a
Tech Startup." -PJ Pereira

“Empower the greatest content creators or fuck you.”
-Kanye West

And my favorite,

“Just because you sit on a bean bag doesn’t make you creative.”
-Sir John Hegarty

As for the work, here are a few of my favorite pieces and campaigns that won big:

“Mistakes” by Clemenger BBDO for the New Zealand Transportation Agency

“Bentley Burial” by Leo Burnett for the Brazilian Association of Organ Transplants

“You Are My Son” by Lowe and Partners for the Colombian Ministry of Defense

“Bald Cartoons” by Ogilvy Brazil for GRAACC

It was a great experience, and I don’t think I’ll ever meet as many people standing in line at the bar or bathroom as I did there. A truly great reminder of just how international this business is, and the range of perspectives it takes to create fresh, outstanding ideas that make up festivals like this year after year.

So grateful for the opportunity, and I’m already chomping at the bit to get the brief
and have a shot at going again next year.

Thanks for reading.

Not So Young Creatives Review of Cannes 2014: Au Revoir Cannes!

Au revoir Cannes 2014!

First of all, we would like to start this post thanking the Circulo and all the sponsors involved that supported the Not so Young & the Young Creatives contests the Circulo put together year after year. Truly, we appreciate all their efforts on putting these together.

Through out the festival, we were thinking about the essence of what we were seeing this year, was there a trend in the work? Something new and revolutionary? As the days went by, and as we kept on looking as much work, ideas and conferences as we could, it hit us that the ideas that really moved us were those were something truly "happened"... Work that connected with us because it had some positive consequences.

From the first speaker we saw, Nikesh Arona-Chief Business Officer for Google, with his conference GOOGLE: A HEALTHY DISREGARD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE, until the last one from Bono and Jonathan Ive, talking about the success and challenges of (RED), the biggest message across the festival was that together: ideas, technology and people now more than ever can make a big difference and affect change, and that these are really exciting times.

As Sir John Hegarty and David Droga said, in what was probably the best conference of all, you need to give something back to the people for their time. Entertainment, hope, emotions... you name it. They need to receive something in exchange if not your brand and campaign will get lost in the sea of mediocrity. And we think that nobody said it better that David Droga with this quote: "An idea is only great when something happens with it". This notion of the possibilities that lie ahead our industry is the most exciting thing that we keep from the festival.

Attending Cannes for us, being really "not so young" creatives at all, was a renovation and refreshment in our passion for this profession and we want to thank the Circulo and sponsors for that.

Below we have put together some links of the work that moved us somehow.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Migue and Chris

Here you can access the 3 revolutionary cases that Google shared with us.

Intel Look Inside Campaign.


Hungry for more Fútbol? Take a look at this one: Carlsberg Border Football.

P&G Tough Love

IKEA Start something new

Dentsu Mother Bo

Miguel Ullivarri
Creative Director