The Community – Virgin Mobile – Don’t Be Normal

The Community
Virgin Mobile
Don’t Be Normal

The Virgin Mobile “I’m not normal” campaign looks at normality through the eyes of the mobile phone industry where “normal” means experiencing overages, credit checks, and hidden fees. To be “not normal” is to be free to pay-as-you-go with Virgin Mobile. And it becomes a rallying cry for a different, better kind of mobile phone service.

Zubi – Burger King – The Impossible Combo

Burger King
THE Impossible Combo

Over the years, the Burger King brand has not shied away from campaigns that generate buzz, in fact they actively seek them out. Our challenge was to create a campaign that generates “Talkabilty”, the brand action that generate a disproportionate amount of buzz and publicity, but also moves the promotional sales needle. 

What is forbidden is also the most sought after. 

The Impossible Combo, an unlikely pairing of Burger King’s famous Whopper with McDonald’s highly-craved French Fries, Burger King had successfully trolled McDonald’s several times already. By conceding that McDonald’s fries are the best, BK would have a platform to talk about the superiority of its flagship burger, The Whopper.

With the help of Burger King’s AOR, David and partnering with Rappi, the biggest food delivery service is Brazil, Burger King offered The Impossible Combo: A Burger King Whopper and MCDonald’s French Fries for a limited time.

On the first day of offering the combo of Rappi, it sold out in 27 minutes, becoming the most sold order on Rappi that day and raiding Whopper sales a record 81%.

Del Rivero Messianu – McDonald’s First Word – 1994

Del Rivero Messianu
First Word

“First Word” – this was dRM’s (the predecessor of alma) very first brand spot for McDonald’s back in 1994, when the agency started working for the Golden Arches. It was produced both in Spanish and English, and it symbolized what Luis Miguel Messianu calls “The wink effect” as based on the product’s play on words, Latinos watching English TV knew the brand was talking to them. The spot was a turning point for the industry, and received many awards and accolades.

Grupo Gallegos – Fox Sports – Smell – 2002

Grupo Gallegos
Fox Sports

Una de las primeras, si no la primera, piezas producidas por el mercado hispano que se hizo viral antes de que existiera ese término. Esta campaña recorrió el mundo gracias a una verdad universal y un humor audaz. Fue reconocida en festivales internacionales como Clio, Fiap y El Sol.

2004, CLIO AWARDS 2004, Bronze, “Smell”, Fox Sports en Español
2004, FIAP, Gold, “Smell”
2004, SAN SEBASTIAN, Silver, “Smell”
2004, EL OJO DE IBEROAMERICA, Best US TV Ad of the year, “Smell”
2004, EL OJO DE IBEROAMERICA, Gold, Media Promotion Category, “Smell”
2004, ADVERTISING AGE/AHAA, Bronze, “Smell
2005, NEW YORK FESTIVAL, Gold, “Smell”

The Vidal Partnership Heineken – Blackout – 2004

The Vidal PartnershiP

Esta idea fue una iniciativa de agencia en The Vidal Partnership, que surge a raíz del “blackout” masivo en Nueva York del 2003.

Como background de la historia, en una vida anterior viví un año en República Dominicana, trabajando como director creativo en Leo Burnett, donde me tocó sufrir los continuos apagones; los dominicanos lo toman con un gran sentido del humor y dicen que no tienen apagones, sino “prendiones”.

Cuando ocurre el “blackout” en Nueva York y estando a oscuras en mi departamento inmediatamente pienso, “pero esto es como estar otra vez en la isla”.

Al otro día hablando por teléfono con Mauricio Galván, con quién trabajaba en The Vidal Partnership, me cuenta que en cuanto se fue la luz en la oficina, Alan Solís, dominicano, gritó: “Welcome to the Dominican Republic”. Y ahí peloteando al vuelo dijimos, “y si hacemos un spot de Heineken con la pantalla toda en negro, con puro diálogo y dirigido a los dominicanos que viven en Nueva York?”

Este era un target importante para el cliente y esta una idea con la que se iban a identificar.

Pero había que moverse rápido para que no perder el timing.

Asi que Mau desarrollo el script en una mañana y, como no había tiempo de hacer casting, dos  colegas dominicanos que trabajaban en la agencia fueron los actores; acto seguido el editor montó los supers y al otro día se le presentó al cliente no solo la idea, sino el anuncio ya producido. Después de verlo este dijo “paren el resto de la pauta y pónganlo al aire ya!”.

Es un buen ejemplo de cómo aprovechar una oportunidad para generar una buena idea, lo cual no necesariamente requiere de un gran presupuesto. El costo total del spot fueron $6,000 dls.

Fue “Best of show” en los U.S.Hispanic Awards de Ad Age y el Círculo Creativo.

LATINWORKS – Cine las Americas International Film Festival – Radio Campaign – Medieval, Porno & War-2011

Cine las Americas International Film Festival
Radio Campaign: Medieval, Porno & WaR

“Si así es nuestra realidad, imagínate nuestras películas” es un concepto riquísimo con infinitas posibilidades de sacar ideas. Después de los premios que ganó la campaña en el 2011, el reto era cómo sorprender sin repetirnos. Trabajamos meses en buscar una nueva forma de contar la idea y encontramos una solución de audio que terminó siendo muy efectivo.

LATINWORKS – Skittles – Pluck the Rainbow – 2012

Pluck the Rainbow

Trabajar para una marca cuyo brief dice que todo comercial al aire debe tener un factor WTF al cuadrado, es muy tentador. Y a la vez muy complicado de cumplir.

Cuando el copy contaba esta idea surgió una risita nerviosa… como que pensás que no…, pero que si… Que ni sabes como vas a contarla, pero la contás. ¿Podremos venderla? Y si sale, ¿podremos hacer que se vea tranquilamente bizarra? ¿Estará a la altura de una mega campaña como Skittles? ¿Venderá? Todo si.

Grandes momentos de LatinWorks en 2012, con Sergio Alcocer como Chief Creative Officer, Nick Garza como copywriter y Rodrigo Garcia Saiz como director, entre muchos más.

Working for a brand whose brief says that “every on-air commercial must have a WTF factor squared” is very tempting. And at the same time very complicated to comply with.

When the copywriter told this idea, a nervous laugh arose… as if you thought… no, but… yes. You don’t even know how you’re going to tell it, but you tell it. Can we sell it?

And if it comes out, can we make it look quietly bizarre? Will it live up to a mega campaign like Skittles? Will it sell?

All Yes.

Great moments at LatinWorks in 2012, with Sergio Alcocer as Chief Creative Officer, Nick Garza as copywriter and Rodrigo Garcia Saiz as director, among many others.

BROMLEY COMMUNICATIONS – United Communities of San Antonio – Devices – 2016

United Communities of San Antonio

Devices / Bronze Film / Cannes 2016
Let’s be honest: creating ads for social causes often feels like the easiest way to go. You already have all the juicy ingredients—drama, tension, and a pressing issue. But when you add seriousness to this mix, things become even more intriguing. Seriousness leads to empathy, compassion, and authenticity, driving us to create truly relevant ideas.

This philosophy guided the development of ‘Devices,’ a campaign for the United Communities of San Antonio. We prioritized the seriousness of the cause.

After days of brainstorming, we realized that a simple device could inflict harm as severe as physical violence—that cyberbullying damages just as deeply. This recognition of the power of our idea, both visually and contextually, was pivotal.

Presenting this concept to our client was profoundly rewarding in many ways. One client, deeply moved, broke down in tears and expressed gratitude for our work. That was one of the most incredible experiences you can have as a creative person.

Thanks to the collaboration with Shooters Films USA and the vision of Seba Lopez, who directed and managed all post-production, this spot was brought to life, motivating action against cyberbullying.

‘Devices’ is more than just a visually striking piece; it embodies a comprehensive approach to handling such briefs—with seriousness, understanding, love, and the care these causes truly deserve.