Carlos Murad se une a Lápiz

Fabio Seidl, Carlos Murad y Laurence Klinger

Fabio Seidl, Carlos Murad y Laurence Klinger

El director de arte deja la agencia brasileña WMcCann para emigrar a Estados Unidos donde se unirá a la agencia hispana de Leo Burnett. Murad ha trabajado en distintas oficinas de la red a lo largo de su carrera. En este marco, resaltó: “Estoy feliz de regresar, sobre todo para trabajar en un equipo con talentos de diferentes parte del mundo”.

El director de arte Carlos Murad, deja WMcCann para incorporarse al equipo de Lápiz/Leo Burnett USA. Allí trabajará junto a otros brasileños como el vicepresidente y dgc Fabio Seidl y el cco Laurence Klinger.

Why Getting More Women onto Award Show Juries Could be the Ultimate Ad Industry Hack

Advertising's jury gender skew is somehow still a thing. Laura Swinton talks to the ADC about how they're trying to push for change

Why Getting More Women onto Award Show Juries Could be the Ultimate Ad Industry Hack
“Of all the things we’ve done at ADC this has been the hardest, psychologically. When you basically hit a wall and come up against negativity and anger then you start to think you’re crazy. We got people telling us saying that we were wrong, that it sucked, that it shouldn’t exist.” What could ADC's Executive Director Ignacio Oreamuno possibly have done to earn such a torrent of disapproval? Decided to populate his juries with pre-schoolers? Chimpanzees? Err, not exactly. The answer is: a few more women. The ADC’s 50/50 initiative to create gender-balanced award show juries and remove some invisible barriers to adland super stardom has just entered its second year. Ignacio is convinced that basic changes like this hold the key to transforming the industry and righting its (kinda retro) track record on female leadership. So why are other award shows and parts of the industry digging their heels in?

David Álvarez de Alma: Mi motor es generar buenas ideas, a pesar de los festivales

David Álvarez

David Álvarez

David Álvarez, director de Arte y director creativo de Alma, conversó con PRODU acerca de su trayectoria en la industria publicitaria, que se inició en Ciudad de México de la mano de DDB México como director de Arte durante ocho años, y luego en el 2010 comienza un nuevo reto en el mercado hispano de EE UU, invitado por La Comunidad, para ocupar el cargo de director de Arte sénior. 

Dos año y medio más tarde, Álvarez se integra a la familia creativa de Alma, equipo que confiesa lo ha recibido con los brazos abiertos. " Me gusta el espíritu de buena onda que tiene la agencia y existe esa cultura creativa de apoyo a las buenas ideas" dijo.

El FIAP 2015 otorgará becas a través de Fundación Mundo Ciudad

En el marco de los preparativos de la  46º edición de FIAP 2015, la Fundación Mundo Ciudad de España anunció que otorgará becas de estudio a los ganadores de las categorías de Bien Público en Oro, Plata y Bronce y a los jóvenes talentos a través del Campus Universitario Europeo.

La Fundación Mundo Ciudad es una entidad sin fines de lucro, cuya misión es el desarrollo de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de las empresas de España y del mundo. Se trata de la institución que organiza el Festival Internacional de la Publicidad Social, conocido como Publifestival, donde Daniel Marcet (Director General de FIAP) es uno de sus jurados.

“Desde su creación, en 1969, el FIAP se propuso integrar la comunicación de la región. Es por eso que toda acción que se lleva a cabo en el marco del festival tiene como objetivo aportar valor agregado a nuestra industria, ayudarla a crecer, a darle difusión, y a formar y capacitar a las nuevas generaciones y a los profesionales. Este año estamos muy contentos y orgullosos de haber concretado una importante alianza con la Fundación Mundo Ciudad, la que otorgará becas a todos aquellos que se destaquen en las categorías de Bien Público y de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria”, añadió Daniel Marcet, de FIAP.

“Para nosotros es un honor formar parte de este modo tan especial de FIAP, dado a nuestro mutuo aprecio con Daniel Marcet quien además de reflejar de modo claro el espíritu de Publifestival, siempre mostró todo su compromiso y solidaridad con nosotros”, aseguró María Cansino, Presidente de la Fundación.

Es la primera vez que los organizadores del FIAP llevan adelante una alianza con Publifestival para premiar a los profesionales comprometidos con las causas sociales. En esta ocasión, el premio estimulo estará enfocado en la Formación. Los ganadores de las becas podrán cursar  los distintos programas que se ofrecen y acceder a la doble titulación de la Prestigiosa Universidad Oficial San Miguel en México, entidad en convenio con el Campus Universitario Europeo.

“Sin dudas, es un reconocimiento muy movilizador para incentivar a los creativos, anunciantes, medios y autoridades a crear conciencia desde sus mensajes publicitarios. Howard Gossage, Fundador de la legendaria Freeman, Mander & Gossage, no lo pudo haber expresado mejor cuando afirmó: La publicidad justifica su existencia cuando se utiliza para el interés público, es una herramienta demasiado poderosa para ser utilizada solamente con fines comerciales”, compartió Marcet.

“Con esta acción queremos brindar a todos aquéllos que se han preocupado por la RSC y por el Bien Público la posibilidad de ser su marco en Europa y transmitirles que ser solidarios tiene una recompensa enorme. Pensar en la oportunidad que conlleva para los jóvenes recibir esta Beca es toda una alegría y,  desde luego, no olvido nuestro lema Un Mundo Mejor es Posible, y creo que es un modo maravilloso de lograrlo”, confesó Casino.

La 46º edición de FIAP 2015 se realizará en el JW Marriot Hotel Santa Fé de la Ciudad de México el próximo 22, 23 y 24 de abril.

El Sol Anuncia Los Nombres De La Mitad De Sus Jurados

El Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria ha dado a conocer hoy los nombres de la mitad de los presidentes jurado para 2015, año en el que el festival celebra su 30 aniversario.

 Al respecto, Jordi Palomar, director de El Sol, afirma que “al igual que el pasado mayo, contaremos en la presidencia de los jurados con grandes figuras de la región, publicitarios con una trayectoria profesional tan amplia y premiada que estamos seguros de que nos darán un palmarés a la altura de nuestro 30 aniversario. A su vez, frente al reto de ser el premio referente de la región, sigue la doble apuesta de máximo prestigio e internacionalización y en 2015 volvemos a contar en Bilbao con un jurado de más 50 grandes profesionales representando más de 10 países".

 Así, El Sol ha confirmado ya que contará en su próxima edición con los siguientes presidentes de jurado:  

  • Jurado de TV/Cine y Radio: Leandro Raposo, Creative President y Fundador de The Cyranos/McCann (España)
  • Jurado de Digital y Móvil: Igor Puga, Chief Interactive Officer de DM9DDB (Brasil)
  • Jurado de Campañas integradas e Innovación: Laurence Klinger, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director General Creativo de Lápiz-Leo Burnett (EEUU)
  • Jurado de Contenidos de Marca: Fernando Vega Olmos, Chief Creative Officer de Picnic a nivel global
Leandro Raposo

Leandro Raposo

Laurence Klinger

Laurence Klinger

Fernando Vega Olmos

Fernando Vega Olmos

En las próximas semanas se comunicarán los presidentes de los jurados de Diarios y Revistas y Exterior, Marketing y Directo y Marketing Promocional –dos secciones que este año contarán con un jurado único-, Relaciones Públicas y Medios.

La 30 edición de El Sol. El Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria tendrá lugar en Bilbao los días 28, 29 y 30 de mayo de 2015. #Elsol2015

Clio Awards Announces Inaugural 'Creative Bowl,' Recognizing The Big Game’s Top Spot And Agency

CLIO, the esteemed international advertising, design and communications competition, today announced the CLIO Creative Bowl, an initiative surrounding football’s biggest night. Focused on highlighting the best advertising creative airing in the game, the two-part competition will feature an expert jury voting on the top spot, and a live trophy presentation in the winning agency’s city. Beginning January 12, the latest Creative Bowl news can be found at

Creative Bowl is the brainchild of Rob Reilly, global creative chairman at McCann Worldgroup, and leader of this year's Bowl jury. Coverage will appear on all CLIO social channels and the Creative Bowl blog. The inaugural Super CLIO winner will be announced at 4pm on Monday, February 2.

CLIO President Nicole Purcell and CLIO Executive Director of Marketing Brooke Levy will present the creatives behind the winning spot with a custom Super CLIO statue in-person on Tuesday, February 3. Society Awards designed the statue towering above a standard CLIO at 22 inches, matching the height and look of the big game trophy.

“We’ve seen more people tuning in for the ads than the game itself – it’s become the prime showcase for the most innovative and inventive creative of the year,” said Purcell. “At CLIO, we wanted to capitalize on our knowledge base and a network of experts to recognize the work around this moment. It’s a fun competition, but one that acknowledges an agency with a true pulse on the industry.”

The top creative minds in the country have come together to award the inaugural Super CLIO. Experts in their field with an eye for what makes a great ad, the 2015 jurors include, Ted Royer, chief creative officer, Droga5; Gerry Graf, founder and chief creative officer, bfg9000; Glenn Cole, founder and chief creative officer, 72andSunny; Colleen DeCourcy, global executive creative director, Wieden+Kennedy; David Lubars, chief creative officer, BBDO Worldwide and chairman, BBDO North America; Susan Credle, chief creative officer, Leo Burnett USA; Steve Simpson, chief creative officer, Ogilvy & Mather North America; Rob Schwartz, CEO, TBWA/Chiat/Day New York and Tim Nudd, creative editor, Adweek. 

“This is our biggest stage, where brands and agencies take the biggest risks,” said Reilly. “It is time to reward the bravest ones with a piece of hardware that is equal to the most famous trophy in sports.”

The 2015 CLIO calendar includes CLIO Image (May 5), CLIO Sport (July 8), and the CLIO Awards and CLIO Music (September 30). For more information, visit

FIAP 2015 se realizará en Ciudad de México

Daniel Marcet

Daniel Marcet

Tal como lo anunció PRODU meses atrás, luego de tres años consecutivos celebrándose en Miami, el Festival Iberoamericano de la Publicidad se muda a Ciudad de México para festejar su 46º edición.

El evento se realizará entre el 22, 23 y 24 de abril en los salones del JW Marriot Hotel México City Santa Fe.

“La decisión de trasladar el FIAP a la ciudad de México se debe al interés del mercado mexicano por contar con un festival internacional de las características del FIAP, y al enorme crecimiento y potencial de la industria de la comunicación de ese país”, comentó Daniel Marcet, director general de FIAP sobre el desembarco del festival a suelo azteca.

Morazzani promoted to Creative Director at Lápiz

Lizette Morazzani

Lizette Morazzani

Lapiz, a Chicago-based advertising agency for emerging cultures, promoted Lizette Morazzani to creative director.

Morazzani has 12 years of experience in copywriting and has been part of Lapiz for the past two years. As creative director, she will oversee creative for client brands including Purina, WhiteWave Silk and RE/MAX. Morazzani will report directly to Lapiz Executive Creative Director Fabio Seidl.
“Lapiz is experiencing significant growth, winning awards and new clients. Lizette’s passion for great ideas has been vital to getting us where we are today,” said Seidl. “With her help cultivating our creative team’s talents, we look forward to opening more opportunities to deepen our agency’s talent pool.”

Cannes Lions Names 2015 Presidents

Cannes Lions, the International Festival of Creativity, has today announced the presidents that will lead juries at the 2015 edition of the awards.

Commenting on the appointments, Lions Festivals’ chairman, Terry Savage, said, “We have always selected the most awarded, respected global creative leaders to guide our juries. This year, it is particularly exciting to see so many women numbered among that elite group. We are looking forward to a time when there is true gender balance in the industry and this will be unremarkable, but in the meantime the female representation is something that we are passionate about.”

The 2015 jury presidents are:

Branded Content & Entertainment Jury President
David Lubars, Chief Creative Officer, BBDO Worldwide, Chairman, North America

David has won over 90 Lions, 4 Emmys and over 100 One Show pencils. Under his leadership, BBDO is among the most awarded agency networks in the world and is currently ranked #1 for creativity in The Gunn Report.

"To me, it's the most exciting part of Cannes Lions right now and maybe the most important. All these different areas are smashing up against each other really fast; the category helps give context and horizon lines.”

Creative Effectiveness Jury President
Wendy Clark, President, Sparkling Brands & Strategic Marketing, Coca-Cola North America

Wendy is a leading industry voice on evolved consumer engagement, known for leveraging the power of authentic brand stories to create shared value.
"Creativity and Effectiveness cannot be mutually exclusive outcomes. Creativity fuels compelling storytelling and innovation that, in-turn, fuels positive impact and outcomes for brands. I'm looking forward to reviewing this year's entries and seeing how our industry has once again raised the bar on great creativity and effectiveness."

Cyber Jury President
Jean Lin
, Global CEO, Isobar

Named as one of 30 'Women to Watch' by Advertising Age China, Jean Lin became Global CEO of Isobar in early 2014 and leads the Dentsu Aegis Network agency in over 42 markets, overseeing 69 agencies. Jean was most recently named one of the region’s Top 5 CEOs by Campaign Asia Pacific. 

“We are living in the most exciting of times in our industry and the digital landscape has never been at more of a tipping point, into the era of Brand Commerce in which digital technology infuses brand experience with transactions and innovation. It is the perfect time to take up the presidency of the Cannes Lions Cyber Jury - witnessing the redefinition of digital creativity. I am honoured to lead a jury of my peers and excited to see work and ideas from across the world. At Isobar, we strive daily to deliver what we call “Ideas Without Limits” and this is the lens I will view entries through and will ask my fellow jurors to do the same.”

Design Jury President
Andy Payne
, Global Chief Creative Officer, Interbrand Group

Under his leadership, Andy has guided Interbrand to become one of the most highly awarded brand design consultancies in the world.

"I hope as a jury we can champion the value of design - yes celebrate the beauty and the craft but 
understand that the true value of design is in ideas – ideas that move companies, organisations, brands and people forward to better and more inspiring experiences."

Direct Jury President
Judy John
, CEO & Chief Creative Officer, Leo Burnett

Judy was ranked the #1 Creative Director in Canada in Strategy Magazine 2014 and is responsible for leading the Leo Burnett #LikeAGirl campaign – now a multiple award winner.
“It's an incredible honour to be the first Jury President for Canada. I'm looking forward to the discussions around the inspirational work with a world class jury.”

Film Jury President
Tor Myhren
, President & Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, Grey

Famed for the overhaul of Grey’s creative output with campaigns like "The E*Trade Baby" and DirecTV, Tor has been chosen as one of Fortune Magazine’s ’40 under 40’ (2011) and Fast Company Magazine’s ‘Most Creative People in the Business’.

"Every year Cannes Lions sets a new bar for global creativity, and being president of the Film jury is thrilling. I continue to believe that even in the digital age, film remains the most powerful form of storytelling. We will look for what's truly "new” and reward brave and remarkable work. I can't wait."

Film Craft Jury President
João Daniel Tikhomiroff
, Founder, Partner-Director, Mixer, Brazil

A constant performer at Cannes Lions, João Daniel has taken home 41 lions to date making him the second most awarded director in the history of the Festival.

"From the script to the sound, "craft" is the structure that supports an idea. In a world overflowing with information, engaging the audience is becoming increasingly challenging. But that is exactly what I will look for. By achieving excellence in craft, we can actually touch people and make them cry, laugh, think, change. The idea is the soul. With a body, it becomes alive."

Media Jury President
Nick Emery
, Global Chief Executive Officer, Mindshare Worldwide

Nick's first 25 years in global media took him to LA, Valencia, Madrid and London. As a result of this journey, he now lives in some hybrid of NY, London and Shanghai, is married with two children (technically three with the dog) and has an unrivalled knowledge of the world’s toyshops and dog emporiums. 

"It is our responsibility, and that of the Cannes Lions awards, to champion media at its very best - not just the glitz and glamour, but the connection of data, insight and execution that makes media so compelling. Everything today begins and ends in media. Media is fame and money, ideas and accountability, Hollywood and A Beautiful Mind. Our duty, and what Cannes Lions should represent, is the challenging of the status quo, the provocation of creating new things and not just counting what we already know. Cannes Lions is a celebration of technology, content and invention, and the Media Lions sits at the centre of that world.”

Mobile Jury President
Joanna Monteiro
, Vice President Creative Director, FCB, Brazil

Co-winner with Max Geraldo of the 2014 Mobile Grand Prix for Nivea ‘Protection Ad’, Joanna was recently named Business Insider’s ‘Most Creative Woman in Advertising’ and is among the 10 most awarded Creative Directors in the 2014 Cannes Report.

“It’s a true honor to have been selected as president of the Mobile jury, a category that unleashes great potential for creative work. In a time when dialogue between brands and their consumers is crucial, there’s nothing better than mobile”.

Outdoor Jury President
Juan Carlos Ortiz
, President & CEO of DDB Latina & Creative Chairman of DDB Americas, Colombia

The first Latin American to become president of a USA based advertising agency, Juan Carlos also won Colombia’s inaugural, and to date only, gold Film Lion.

“In life and during my career, I’ve always believed that the simplest things can also be the most meaningful. If you stop for a moment and think about it, everything falls into human nature, human insights. Outdoor has always represented the magic of simple ideas, ideas with real power. It’s an honor to be judging this year in this category as one of my main expectations is to see how we as creatives, have evolved and can apply things such as technology within the DNA of our human insights and see them reflected in the real world.”

PR Jury President
Lynne Anne Davis
, President & Senior Partner, FleishmanHillard Asia Pacific

FleishmanHillard's celebrated success in Asia, including multiple Network of the Year honors, landed Lynne Anne on PR Week’s 2014 ‘Power List’. Voted among Asia's Most Admired Agency Leaders in a 2014 poll by Campaign magazine, Lynne Anne has also been named ‘Global Women’s Champion’ in NAFE's Women of Excellence Awards and she received an ‘Individual Achievement Award’ by The Holmes Report. Lynne Anne headed the PR Jury at the 2013 Spikes Asia Festival of Creativity. 

“What a thrill and a privilege to chair the jury responsible for selecting the year’s most inspired public relations work from all over the world. PR is at the heart of the world’s greatest campaigns. It’s a highly dynamic discipline that is constantly elevating its power by making emotional connections, revealing human truths, opening minds, touching hearts and inspiring action in ground-breaking ways. The 2015 Cannes Lions showcase is set to be the richest, most creative yet.”

Press Jury President
Pablo del Campo
, Worldwide Creative Director, Saatchi & Saatchi

Not only one of the most awarded Argentinean creatives, Pablo is also founder of Del Campo Saatchi & Saatchi; an agency that ranks consistently high including in the Gunn Report’s Most Awarded Agencies.

“In an industry transformed by new media, print still represents the toughest creative challenge. Print has only one sensory dimension so the idea has to work hardest. Originality, simplicity and surprise need to combine to create a singular emotional moment, which makes this an exciting category to oversee.”

Promo & Activation Jury President
Matt Eastwood
, Worldwide Chief Creative Officer, JWT

Highly awarded in the creative world, one of Matt’s best known hits was the hugely successful ‘Hashtag Killer’ campaign.

"It is both an honor and a privilege to lead the Promo & Activation jury. Today, clients look towards work in this category to truly supercharge their brand promise. In selecting the work that will stand as a permanent record of excellence, my hope is to inspire both clients and creatives to push beyond their imagined limits."

Radio Jury President
Paul Reardon
, Executive Creative Director, Whybin\TBWA Group Melbourne, Australia

As both a writer and Executive Creative Director, Paul's work has been recognised in every major international award show, including Australia's first and only One Show Green Pencil and two Cannes Lions Grands Prix. In 2014, he was the Executive Creative Director behind the ANZ GAYTMs campaign that cleaned up across global award shows and won the Cannes Lions Grand Prix in Outdoor.

"My criteria for judging work is pretty simple. I look for brilliant ideas that are strategically relevant and flawlessly crafted. The really, really hard part is finding those ideas. But that’s the exciting thing about Cannes Lions. The show is so big and attracts so much talent, you know that brilliance is out there, hiding amongst thousands of submissions. I’m honoured to be guiding the hunt in Radio in 2015".

Titanium and Integrated Jury President
Mark Fitzloff
, Partner and Executive Creative Director, Wieden+Kennedy Portland

Famous for invigorating ‘your grandfather’s deodorant’, Mark was the executive creative director behind the legendary, Grand Prix winning, ‘The Man Your Man Could Smell Like’ for Old Spice. He’s helped ensure that Wieden+Kennedy has won the ‘Cannes Lions Independent Agency of the Year’ three times.

"In 1998, I was shortlisted for an ad banner that I wrote for Microsoft. It was my first Cannes Lions award. And therefore the one that still matters most. What am I looking forward to as this year's Titanium and Integrated Jury President? I think giving someone that same feeling would be pretty fantastic."

Interview with Fernanda Burgel, Art Director at inspire!

Fernanda BurgelArt Director at inspire!

Fernanda Burgel
Art Director at inspire!

Tell us about yourself, who are you and what do you do and how long have you been in the Hispanic Market? 
Fernanda Burgel, at your disposal. Brazilian Art Director by day (and most nights and weekends), serious food lover on my free time. Currently working in Dallas at inspire!, active participant in Hispanic Market for the past 7 years.

Why are you in advertising? 
Because I believe Advertising is such a powerful gateway to change lives, people’s daily choices, their perceptions about the world around them and themselves... well, if I can do that while collaborating with talented artists, such musicians, photographers, film directors and great cast; Then, what else is there to do in this world?

What would you do if you were not working in advertising? 
I would be doing something related to the culinary arts.

Who’s your industry hero? 
I can’t deny the influence of many of my fellow Brazilians in the industry. Marcello Serpa is the obvious mention, but so many others have joined the spotlight lately, like Fefa Romano and Rafael Rizutto. As far as our Argentinian neighbors, I love everything that Max Anselmo has done at Santo, as well as Alberto Ponte’s work for Nike.

That being said, David Droga is the butter to my soufflé.

Who’s your life hero? 
My grandmother. She raised 4 kids to be pretty cool people, and then when they all left the house she went back to school to finish high school, then enrolled in an university and became a Lawyer at age 60. That’s a rock star move by my standards. 

What is the most difficult award to win? 
In Brazil, commercials are a huge part of popular culture. People quote them, make jokes about them, and really embrace commercials that speak to them. So while awards are really nice, I’ll be happy the day I hear a taxi driver quoting something I’ve created.

What was the last piece of work you put in your book? 
A TV spot for McDonald’s, which has been a client I’ve always dreamed of working with.

What’s missing in your book? 
While there’s always room for improvement and for more awards, I am proud of the work I’ve been able to produce in my career so far. I would like to be able to include more work that makes a social impact, particularly affecting the way women are portrayed.

Favorite ad(s)/ campaign(s) ever? 
Everything that was created for Havaianas. Not only are the visuals for the whole campaign consistently stunning, but because I still remember a time when those flip-flops were such an obsolete brand, no one in Brazil would be caught dead wearing them. It proves that amazing things can happen when a brand finds its voice.

Favorite city/cities? (could be more than 1) 
New York and Madrid for the food, Barcelona and Rio for the vibe.

Recommend a book. 
Anything José Saramago has ever written, but “The tale of the unknown island” if your attention span has been ruined by buzzfeed.

Any advice for the clients? 
Please stop talking to yourselves.
I see so many brands that waste real opportunities to engage in conversation with consumers because they are just regurgitating their own business goals. Let your creative team help you make sense of what is the best way to communicate with the people you’re trying to reach.

Any advice for a Creative Director? 
Hire talented people, then help remove whatever obstacles are getting in their way.

The Awards Report 2014: The Most-Awarded USA Hispanic Agencies

For the fourth year in a row, LatinWorks is the most-awarded U.S. Hispanic advertising agency.

The agency lead by Sergio Alcocer won with 607 points, the nearest competitors for this year were Grupo Gallegos with 421 points and Alma with 278 points.

To determine the rankings, we gathered the results from the most distinguished global awards shows: Festival Caribe, The Andy Awards, FIAP, Art Directors Club, the New York Festivals, El Sol, the National Addys, the U.S.H. Idea wards, the London International Awards, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, the Clios, D&AD, the One Show, El Ojo de Iberoamérica, and the Wave Festival.

Click to enlarge image.


Correction 12/1/2014 @ 2:00 p.m. (CT)
n earlier version of this report miscounted Grupo Gallegos' CLIO / CLIO Healthcare Awards. Grupo Gallegos won 3 Gold, 3 Silver and 1 Bronze, not 1 Gold, 1 Silver and 1 Bronze. The report has been updated and revised.

Los Ganadores en El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2014

Grupo Gallegos fue la agencia más premiada el El Ojo de Iberoamérica 2014 con 6 oros, 8 Platas y 4 Bronces. Además, fue la mejor agencia en el Desempeño Local de Estados Unidos y la mejor agencia independiente.

Ganadores – Agencias Hispanas de Estados Unidos:

El Ojo Local
Muttbombing, de Dieste para Adopción de DPA. 

2º Finalista
Grandson, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service de Alzheimer’s Association. 

3º Finalista
Brave, de Grupo Gallegos / Goodby, Silverstein & Partners para Got Milk? De California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución, Anonymous Content. 

4º Finalista
Alzheimer’s Gallery [Campaña], de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Mejor Desempeño Local - Estados Unidos

Agencia: Grupo Gallegos
Creativo: Pablo Buffagni
Productora: Rebolución
Realizador: Armando Bo
Anunciante: Burger King, Colombia

El Ojo Producción Audiovisual

Mejor Fotografía - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

Mejores Efectos Especiales - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

Mejor Producción Integral - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

Mejor Dirección de Arte - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

Mejor Diseño de Sonido - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

Mejor Dirección - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos /Goodby, Silverstein&Partners para GotMilk?, de California Milk Processor Board. Pa: Rebolución. 

El Ojo Producción Gráfica

Mejor Copy - Daughter, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Mejor Dirección de Arte - Interview – Groupie [Campaña], de Lápiz para Gain, de Procter & Gamble USA. 

Mejor Ilustración - Interview – Groupie [Campaña], de Lápiz para Gain, de P&G USA. 

Mejor Dirección de Arte - Grandson, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

El Ojo Postales

Bien Público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Daughter, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Bien Público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Grandson, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Bien Público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Husband, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

El Ojo Interactivo

Microsites – Servicios - Robo, de LatinWorks para Cine las Américas, de Cine Las Américas. Estados Unidos

Advergames - Back up pone, de Conill Saatchi & Saatchi para Toyota Corolla, de Toyota USA. Estados Unidos Hispano

Aplicaciones e Interactive tools - Appstrip, de Wing para Ilustración, de Ximo Abadía. 

Email marketing - Removal happens, de Wing para Law Offices, de Esteban Gergely. 

El Ojo Móvil

Muttbombing, de Dieste para Adopción, de DPA. 

El Ojo Eficacia

Muttbombing, de Dieste para Adopción de DPA. 

El Ojo Vía Pública

Bien Público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Daughter, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer's Association. 

Bien Público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Grandson, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer's Association. 

Campañas - Alzheimer’s Gallery [Campaña], de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer's Association. 

El Ojo Radio

Recreación, Viajes y Entretenimiento - Drogas, de LatinWorks para Cine de las Américas Internacional Film Fest de Cine Las Américas. 

Campañas - Canciaciones, de LatinWorks para Cine Las Américas International Film Festival de Cine Las Américas. 

Recreación, Viajes y Entretenimiento - Dinero, de LatinWorks para Cine Las Américas International Film Festival de Cine Las Américas. 

Recreación, Viajes y Entretenimiento - Mujeres, de LatinWorks para Cine Las Américas de International Film Festival de Cine Las Américas. 

Recreación, Viajes y Entretenimiento - Annie, de Dieste para Adopción de DPA. 

El Ojo Gráfica

Bien público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Daughter, de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Campañas Institucionales y de Imagen Corporativa. Auspicios y Patrocinios. Bien Público - Alzheimer’s gallery [Campaña], de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Bien público. Mensajes gubernamentales, políticos y religiosos - Grandson de Grupo Gallegos para Public Service, de Alzheimer’s Association. 

Productos de higiene doméstica y mantenimiento del hogar y la oficina - Dolphin, de Alma DDB para GreenWorks, de Clorox USA. 

Productos de higiene doméstica y mantenimiento del hogar y la oficina - Polar bear, de Alma DDB para GreenWorks, de Clorox USA. 


Categoría:“Mejor actuación por debajo del metro treinta”
Vencedor: Goya Beans, de Dieste para Goya Foods

El Ojo Cine / TV

Alimentos, lácteos, golosinas y snack - Brave, de Grupo Gallegos / Goodby, Silverstein & Partners para Leche, de California Milk Processor Board. PA: Rebolución / Anonymous Content. 

Recreación, transporte viajes y turismo - Robocop, de Conill Saatchi & Saatchi para Argentina New Cinema, de Consulado Argentino en Los Angeles. Pa: Paraná Films. 

Mejor Agencia Independiente
1) Grupo Gallegos

PRODU presenta el Especial de los 20 años de Alma

Con motivo del 20.° aniversario de la agencia multicultural Alma, PRODU presenta la revista PRODU Especial Alma 20 Años en formato digital, en la que se paseará por las dos décadas de la agencia, será testigo de las anécdotas de sus aliados y conocerá a fondo el ALMA de Luis Miguel Messianu y su equipo. 

U.S. Hispanic Creative Pablo Buffagni Starts BBQ Agency

Pablo Buffagni

Pablo Buffagni

Veteran of Conill and Grupo Gallegos Returns to Ad Industry.

Pablo Buffagni, one of the best-known U.S. Hispanic creative directors, is returning in a new role. He's combining his creative expertise with a talent for asado, the Argentine word for barbecue, in a new creative agency called BBQ.

Gustavo Lauría y Luis Miguel Messianu: Queremos un Círculo más inclusivo

Luis Miguel Messianu y Gustavo Lauría

Luis Miguel Messianu y Gustavo Lauría

Gustavo Lauría y Luis Miguel Messianu hoy son Presidente y Director de la Junta Ejecutiva del Círculo Creativo, respectivamente, y planean ampliar la cantidad de colaboradores de la entidad, para lograr una mayor y mejor conversación dentro del mercado, que no solo tenga la campana de los creativos y las agencias. En la siguiente entrevista con, Lauría, CCO de We Believers, y Messianu, CCO de Alma DDB, analizan cuáles son los desafíos que tienen con sus nuevos roles y, además, explican la transformación que vive hoy el mercado publicitario hispano de Estados Unidos.